Well, it's happening again, a return to this blog after a long period of going dark (5 years if you note the last post--an epic fail on my part!). I went off the rails so that I could get my ticket punched by the higher education racket to score my Masters degree in International Relations. I'm almost done, but as I am preparing my thesis, I have relaunched my book's website:
http://www.thebrazilianbikinibodyprogram.com. Where it once was a subscription-based site, all the content is now free. Not only will you find a complete 30-day nutritional and exercise plan, you'll also find recipes, videos, audio, and more. I've also got my Twitter feed of VidaBossa running now too: http://
So this blog will be oriented around geoculture and foreign policy as it pertains to Brazil, and perhaps a few other regions of interest. I'll be jumping from covering Rio music-makers, to green sustainability initiatives out of the Amazon, to Petrobras politics. In the meantime, feel free to follow VidaBossa on Twitter and let me know about stories that interest you. I am looking forward to expansion, especially as we got closer to the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Oba!!!
More soon!
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