Sunday, May 27, 2007

Finally, I'm Back and Going To The Dogs

Yes, it's been a while. Lots of things have cropped up, including some serious family health crises. So, I've not been dutifully blogging. But now that I'm coming up for a bit of air, it's time to finally post some photos. The photos are from the first of the launch parties for my book, which was held two weeks ago.

Later this week, on Thursday, I'm holding another party/book signing. This time, it's going to be held at the Hotel QT, and Andre Balazs "hipster" hotel in Times Square. The draw? The hotel has an indoor pool with a swim-up bar. So the party will be a proper Brazilian bikini party! The party masterminds are Anderson Trindade and Miller Cruz (who DJ'ed at the first party and who stars in the photo above), who host a regular monthly Brazilian music night at the Hotel QT. So the next batch of photos should yield a few slightly racier images...

And the book tour? Well, "tour" is probably not the right word for my travels. I went to four cities to do TV press to support the book: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas and Houston. If you'd like to see the fruits of those labors, some of the videos are available for viewing. Here are the links (with instructions on finding the videos): (Under the video panel, there is a scroll bar. Scroll down until you see the listing The Brazilian Body Diet) (go to the video panel in the middle of the page and click on the video of Brazilian Beach Body--next to a videocamera icon)

And for you dog-lovers out there in New York City, Susan and Angelique, the kind and glamorous owners of super-chic West Village dog boutique Zoomies (, will also host a book signing for me on Saturday, 9th of June, 2007. Now I know some may scoff and say, "But your book has nothing to do with dogs!" True. But I'm taking this opportunity to develop some dog-friendly healthy nutrition solutions, following the guidelines I've set forth in The Brazilian Bikini Body Program (

In fact, I'm in the middle of cooking up hypo-allergenic, low-fat dog treats that will be billed as "Brazilian Barkini Body" treats! I'll be serving them at the signing to all pooches in attendance, and they'll be stocked at Zoomies! Currently I'm kitchen-testing those treats while blogging, and Yoshi, my canine companion whose regal mug graced an earlier post, is gobbling down the test samples. The first batches were thoroughly rejected (too much oat flour, not enough chicken), but I think I'm close now. The last two biscuit pieces were greedily accepted and noisily savored.

As we get closer to the date, I'll post the treat recipe and more info on dogs and food. Now more than ever, thanks to the recent toxicity scares over human AND animal food, I think we're finally paying attention to that with which we're stuffing ourselves and our pets. Yoshi's had serious allergies and infections in the past, which has necessitated a complete turnaround in what I can feed him. I had to educate myself very quickly on dog nutrition in order to turn his condition around (and find a good vet, which I did. In fact, if it weren't for Dr. Heather Peikes, a sensational vet dermatologist in Manhattan, Yoshi's complications could have deteriorated to a point I don't even want to consider). So I hope to offer some what I've learned in the form of tasty, healthy dog biscuits.

The kitchen timer has gone off, so I must go and offer the next batch samples to the beast for his delectation.

More soon...

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